Monday, February 9, 2009

A little press always feels good

Kebaba got a little press from the Bend Bulletin on the cover of Sunday's business section, regarding our effort at alternative/ guerilla sources of advertising. Generally when I'm interviewed for these kinds of things I usually end up sounding like a complete moron. Well, at least a little bit of a moron, but either I'm getting better at it or this reporter is good. Let's just say it was a combination of both. I would like to thank Kimberly for focusing on Kebaba and mentioning Twitter and the Kebaba Blog in the article. Also I'd like to thank her for relating our internet presence with our desire to develop closer ties with our customers. Not to make this sound too much like an acceptance speech, last but not least, I'd like to thank Cassondra at tbd advertising, for without her none of this would have ever happened. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the article and grateful for the exposure.

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